Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are you getting married so soon, and why March 21?

For both meaningful and practical reasons:

  • 21 is special to us—Chris wore it as his high school basketball number and Lauren as her high school volleyball number, both inspired by Kevin Garnett.

  • Timing felt right—We recently moved into a beautiful new home and prefer not to live unwed for too long. March was the soonest month where the 21st fell on a weekend.

  • Fridays are our thing—We reconnected on a Friday, became official on a Friday, and want to get married on a Friday.

  • 3-to-One—This date reflects our transition from singleness to oneness with God.

  • A countdown to forever—3, 2, 1 reminds us of a launch countdown and Chris’s love for NASA.

In short, it’s a date that’s aligned with our story and our future.

2. Where is the wedding taking place?

The ceremony will be held at The Chloe Hotel in New Orleans, a charming old mansion with a beautiful backyard for our vows and a private dining space for our guests.

3. What time should I arrive?

Please arrive by 5:30 PM. The brief ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00 PM in The Chloe’s backyard.

4. Is the wedding indoors or outdoors?

The ceremony will be outdoors in The Chloe’s backyard, while dinner will be indoors in the hotel’s dining room. Please check the forecast and plan accordingly.

5. What should I wear?

We kindly request formal attire. Gentlemen, please wear black tuxedos. Ladies, we ask that you wear blue formal gowns; thank you for being the bride’s ‘something blue’.

6. Why aren’t there bridesmaids and groomsmen?

Instead of traditional bridesmaids and groomsmen, we have a wedding party made up of some of our closest friends and family. They’re standing with us in spirit, without the extra responsibilities of matching attire.

7. What are the wedding colors?

There aren’t any! We opted out of traditional wedding colors, but we’ve asked the ladies to help be the bride’s something blue.

8. Will there be a reception?

Hopefully! We’ve chosen to keep this evening intimate with a private dinner and a night out in New Orleans. We’d like to celebrate with more family and friends this year and will keep you posted with updates.

9. Can I bring a plus one?

Due to our intimate guest list, we can only accommodate those listed on the invitation. Limiting the list was a tough decision, but we’re looking forward to celebrating with you on the 21st and with even more loved ones at a later date!

10. What happens after the ceremony?

After dinner, we’ll continue the celebrations with drinks and fun around New Orleans. It’s not a formally organized event, but if you’re up for a good time, we’d love to keep the party going—starting at The Virgin Hotel.